[27m] [26f] gf of 5 years has no hobbies/interests/social, placing huge strain on relationship. Not sure how t proceed.

Thanks for the comment. It’s really the loneliness that is getting to me and honestly making me depressed. I had a recent convo with someone where I explained how I feel lonely all the time despite having a partner, friends and hobbies. And really I think the conclusion is because I don’t feel a connection with my partner anymore. She has no interest in joining with any of my Hobbies or friends. I see couples all around doing things together and I don’t have that.

I’ve pushed and pushed my partner to try my hobbies or meet me halfway, she’ll entertain it once or twice and then it gets dropped. I offer to go to meetups with her or social events to try to meet people and she won’t have that either. It’s a bit exhausting trying to carry the relationship in a way. She will go out and get dinner with me or drinks but not too much beyond that.

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