Mehdi Hasan challenges Erik Prince, the founder and former CEO of Blackwater, on his security firm’s performance during the Iraq war, the “exit strategy” he’s proposing for the war in Afghanistan. (2019) [49:08]

I wonder that about a lot of people who go on Hasan's show. I've been a longtime fan of Head to Head but he's got 3 seasons now where he brings on someone everybody knows Hasan thinks is repugnant, he packs the audience with people who will help him make his case, and then he and the audience just rip on someone for like an hour. There are some epic Head to Heads with global figures like Prince.

Here's him doing same with Richard Dawkins, him making a former top financial regulator justify capitalism, challenging right-wing economist (Arthur Laffer (author of the Laffer curve)](, [](he challenged the head of the Israelis' Settlers' Council about the settlements in Gaza), the list goes on and on. I love his show but I literally do not understand how he can keep finding people to interview. If Hasan invites you to your show you're going there to get skewered for an hour.

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