Memes aside, what is your actual opinion on Destiny and him losing partnership?

I think people ought to watch his conversation with Booksmarts, maybe people will have more sympathy for his situation.

I like him too, and this whole edgy phase is nothing new, he's done this before with righties, he's always been inflammatory on twitter. It's really disingenuous to potray his comment as anti BLM, when his whole point is that this is bad for BLM as a movement, and that it hurts Bidens chances to win.

If you think rioting and burning down private businesses is super cool, still, 3 months after the inital protests began, that's your thing, Destiny has always been cool with rioting against gov. owned buildings though, burning down private busisnesses does nothing, helps no one and there is no excuses for it. At first I thought commenting on it was dumb because there is no real way to talk to a mob, and I saw the first instances of rioting as collateral damage, but now it's 40 dumbfucks getting together and threatening to burn shit down. This hurts people and our movement. I personally disagree with Vaushs stance on the whole Rittenhouse situation, so there's that I guess.

In conclusion I think his statement is cringe as fuck, but I understand that it's not coming from any sort of contempt for BLM or black people, and that my fellow lefties should probably go easy on socdems in general, not just the popular ones. We should also remember Vaush is nothing like the leftie creators Destiny criticizes, and that he did left a favor exposing all of these grifters. I am 100% sure that someone as policy focused as Destiny is never moving right, and constant dogpiling does a number on anyone, even someone who is seemingly emotionless.

/r/VaushV Thread