Men of reddit, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a woman?

I think it's like.. Everyone gets scared. But as men were told to man up and tough it out. Eventually after doing it enough times and nothing happening we realise that there's nothing to fear but fear itself. Meanwhile women get told the exact opposite thing, that they're right to be scared and they should be scared.

Men are less scared than they need to be and women are more scared than they need. Date rape drugs are mostly an urban myth. That is, the #1 date rape drug is alcohol. A 26-month study of 1,179 urine samples from suspected drug-facilitated sexual assaults across the United States found 4% positive for GHB. I figure that means 96% of women who though they were roofied had just been having alcohol. That can still mean their drink was spiked, but more likely with extra/stronger alcohol instead of other drugs. Rohypnol is like razors in Halloween candy. The risk is enormously exaggerated by media because playing into fear is great clickbait.

You're probably not going to be raped by a stranger. You'll be raped by someone you already know. Statistically you're more likely to be assaulted by the friend you ask to follow you home to deter would-be rapists than some stranger.

Meanwhile men worry too little. 78.7% of homicide victims are male. Same goes for most other violent crimes, most victims are men (and so are the perpetrators but that's another issue). A guy I know had been out drinking when a car stopped and said they'd give him a ride home for 2 dollars. My friend couldn't believe his luck and accepted. Obvious to most women this isn't something you should accept. My male friend isn't used to thinking about being a victim though. The guys drove him somewhere less public, beat him up, then spent the rest of the night driving him to ATMs and robbing him.

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