To the men who randomly stopped texting a girl after you used to talk to her all day, everyday - why'd you stop?

I wrote a thing about this, if nothing else, just so I could see my feelings visually.

That Stupid Blue Light.

"The only way I can portray my feelings to you is in humor.
But I know you can tell what's really going on.
I know you worry, and I know you said I can turn to you.
But I don't want to be a burden.
I know you said "That's what friends are for!"
But you'll look at me different.
I'm afraid you'll hesitate to ask next time.
So I lie and I joke.

When I'm brave I read the conversations.
The ones from early on.
The ones from when we first met.
They make me laugh, we were so silly.
The ones where you said "Make sure you eat today :)"
Or "I hope your day goes well."
Or just the .gif swapping.
But mostly the <3.

I get so scared you hate me now.
I convince myself you just forgot.
That you're just busy somehow.
I know you're really not.
When you can,
If that's alright,
Just let me know.
So I can stop waiting.
For that stupid blue light."

TL;DR I worked with someone whom I became great friends with. I had to quit to move house, I was left alone to pack and clean it (whole other box of frogs), and feel like I'm drifting away from my friend.

/r/AskReddit Thread