Metalhead here - what are techno gigs like?

Here’s my anecdotal story. I grew up all through middle and high school listening to progressively heavier and heavier metal, learning to shred the guitar, and all that. Joined the service after high school and went overseas for a few years, missing the whole college party phase. Came back to the states and ironically experimenting with substances like a fuckin kid, and started hearing just EDM stuff. I got hooked into that really quick actually, especially into the heavy dubstep side of things. That was easy to start getting into because it is very much heavy metal type sounding beats and shit but with a kind of hip-hop type flow? Idk if that quite makes sense. But anyways, the whole EDM scene in general is actually dope as fuck and while techno isn’t really my go-to music hardly ever, the raves and shows more than make up for it. Sorry for that novel but I genuinely think you will enjoy it more than you might think if you go into it with an open mind.

/r/Techno Thread