MFW a Trump supporter asks how a sub with less than 7,000 subscribers can be at the top of r/all so frequently

Against free trade? What policy has he implemented to demonstrate this? Signaling that he wants to withdraw from the NAFTA agreement? Yea, only to initiate one that signals even fewer restrictions. Trump's wealth has been created via the free market, why do you seriously think he'd go against it in anything but rhetoric? Hell, every one of his cabinet members are a byproduct of 1970s and 1980s economic thought. Free trade, meaning no government intervention, is what allows the trumps of the world to exist?

Reckless tax reform? You do understand that one of the core components is lowering taxes, right? It seems some in this sub get liberal politics confised with neoliberal economics. The freeing of the market implies less taxation, which is itself the limiting of intervention.

You means he wants to make a regressive healthcare plan even more so? That has nothing to do with him not being a neoliberal.

Ignores the environment? Yea, because that's what neoliberalism does. The market is not going to fix the environment. Sorry. Capitalism and environmentalism are contradictions.

You're ironically using empirical policing subjectively. Economics, while empirical in the numbers, is not empirical in any sort of social reality. Empiricism is only implemented in the construction of policy if it fits the neoliberal agenda of market expansion and maximizing profit, all of which fly in the face of any social or environmental concerns.

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