You might be a misogynist

It is a fundamental human right for a woman to abort her pregnancy.

There is no non-bigoted way to argue that the rights of something that cannot think or feel should outweigh the rights of an actual woman, who has to carry it to term with severe detrimental side-effects to her health, wellbeing and financial status.

To argue that women are chattel slaves who have no say over their own bodies - but that something which does not have the cognitive ability of a housefly should be able to hold her hostage and ruin her life is simply abject. It is very hard to imagine a position that shows a greater level of sheer malevolent misogyny.

We have rules against bigotry on this subreddit. Being against a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body is an instant ban that may not be appealed. We are not interested in the lies that anti-choicers tell to justify their hatred of women. It is not murder. It is not a baby. It cannot think. It cannot feel.

None of this is up for discussion in any way.

This is where the line is drawn.

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