[Miguel Ángel Díaz] Real Madrid's bus has been attacked and hit with stones on its way to Anfield

I'm afraid a few bad apples spoil the bunch. And you've had a fairly high proportion of bad apples, both historically and recently.

I mean, only if you don't do even the bare minimum of googling, but ok. Don't know about you, but I'd rather my bus get a broken window than bombed...

I mean, the city was shit-canned when Liverpool won the league, all whilst Lockdown regulations was still in effect. That was a fairly high proportion of bad apples, no?

I take it you didn't see what happened in Glasgow, Leeds, Munich, Madrid and Paris then? Again, Google is right there.

Edit: Oh fucking spare me. The club with the highest proportion of supporters in this sub is Liverpool. Poor little oppressed majority, you. This is why we hate you.

Wait, I'm confused, so do you hate Scousers or not?

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