Military veteran stops truck to open fire and scream threats and racial slurs at peaceful protesters last night in Richmond VA. Please upvote and share this, help make this known!


Dude I had an ingrown toenail and I told the doc I didn't think he was patching me up right. I'd by the way had more important things to do for a month before seeing the doctor and walked with a limp. When I got done with my work at the end of the day I day I discovered my suspicions were correct. My toe was totally black and I went to bed knowing that in the morning I'd discover if my time in the Navy was over.


I earned 14k a year and for six month stretches did nothing but work and sleep and sometimes no sleep. 6 hours was a good time. I don't remember my calculations but I went to bed one night and deduced that I could have paid for community college working at mcdonalds.

Treated like garbage:

The day I was supposed to get out my boss tried to talk me into doing just a teeny tiny bit of work but it turned out I had already been out of the military for 7 days! They involuntarily extended me for a month to hide their fuckup. I talked multiple shipmates out of suicide. I saw guys who went through divorces because their wives couldn't believe they were at work so much. My hands and scalp have big chunky scars, my knees are bad, I have to tell the barber to be careful because I can't grow hair some places. I used to thrash, punch and kick in my sleep. I woke up with my girlfriend in a headlock punching her in the face. I still can't sleep without knowing where the nearest fire extinguisher is and it's been 20 years. Oh and a bunch of guys on a team from a sister ship died when the merchant ship we were inspecting was scuttled and we spent days trying to keep it afloat. I had a refueling accident where I was sprayed in the face and mouth with jet fuel and the rig snapped and heavy metal equipment was sent flying at baseball speeds.

Oh and I also washed some dirty dishes.

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