Millennials watching significantly less sports

This is what I can never get past anymore whenever I watch a game, which only happens when I visit a friend or family member's house and they are watching a game.

I'm literally sitting around watching millionaires who probably have no actual interest in the cities they 'represent' (which they only represent because of a monetary contract) toss a ball around, with dozens upon dozens of commercials weaved in. I get it, they are playing at a high level because they've tossed the ball around hundreds of thousands of times, but after 5 minutes of watching I start feeling antsy because I'd rather be doing something else like washing my car, or really anything for that matter.

One thing I thing about sometimes: Try to imagine how many hours of commercials you've seen in your entire life. Now imagine if just 25% of that time went to something more productive, like learning how to play an instrument, or learning how to write code, or learning about a subject you always wanted to learn but never go around to it.

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