[Misc] Never nerf Gjallahorn

I don't think gjallarhorn is overpowered.

Best weapon in the game and by far the best Heavy in the game, so powerful people hoard synths simply to spam it.

Not overpowered.

This entire thread has people arguing why it being overpowered is ok and now you wanna take the stance that it isnt?

Sorry but no.

It just shows clearly that there are too much bullet sponges.

That is a different topic entirely, even if Bosses had less HP gjallarhorn would still be #1 at finishing the new shorter fights even faster.

I could think it's overpowered if gjallarhorn killed too quickly, but not the case.

Thats not how this works, thats not how any of this works.

So, asking to nerf gjallarhorn, saying it's overpowered, it's just to mistake the problem and we'll get a worst game.

Nah, having 1 defacto weapon for most scenarios is a worse game.

If you prefer, I want more gjallarhorns, weapons that feel powerful and especial

Thats called nerfing gjallarhorn, suddenly Dragons Breath isn't such a piece of shit when it isn't being outpaced by Gjallarhorn by 3 times over.

and enemies where I could use those weapons and the key factor not being use them a million times before die

You just went to a topic about enemy design in a topic about weapon balance, making these bosses have lower HP and keeping Gjallarhorn head and shoulders above doesnt fix the issue of Gjallarhorn being the go to for every fight. Gjallarhorn would still out damage every weapon at that pace and would still be defaulted to everytime.

So... We need more gjallarhorns, not less.

Nah, we need better weapon balance and less tedious fight mechanics, getting less tedious fights doesnt suddenly make Gjallarhorn any less imbalanced, it would still reign supreme.

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