[Misogynatomy] "Hows rape even possible except in rare circumstances?...Most rape reports are false." "Most rapes are never proven, but not because they didn't happen; it's extremely hard to prove rape." "No, women are liars... Rape can easily be proved."

The problem is not that there aren't any sane people out there.

You seem to have forgotten a negative.

There is nothing about being a physicist that is contradictory with being an SJW, even if you (as you clearly do) think being an SJW is a bad thing.

Well yes, when people start a movement against old people, white people, and males I tend to think they're assholes who can't reason very well. Everyone wants to fix society, but it seems no one can see eye-to-eye on how to do that. Personally I think a good rule of thumb is if you're treating people differently in a way that's disproportionate to how they're actually different, you're doing it wrong.

Okay, straight-up: there is no meaning in this world other than the connections we make with other people.

Lol. Oh wait you're serious?! Ha! Ha! Haha! No wonder our society is behind where I think it should be. Y'all have no interests in solving problems. It's like those people at work that think a meeting will solve everything when I really just need another day to get the job done. Not only do you think connections are important you want more than friendship? Like, I'm not even convinced there's anything beyond that. Love appears to be friendship + sex, but my guess is you think that bs has some deeper meaning? Ha! Haha! Ha! Like pick up a text book there are a billion and one problems to be solved.

Look I know that just makes me look like more of an asshole, but seriously? Nothing more important than the connections we make? Do you really believe that?

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