Mistrial declared in Bill Cosby case

the problem is that its hard to prove any of what you're saying

first of all, we dont have numbers of false rape allegations. Would you consider everyone who is charged with rape but found innocent to be a false rape allegation? Of course not

also, about the 'never reported' fact, this can be hard to focus on as well. These cases were never taken to trial, and therefore we dont KNOW how much evidence there is about each indivual case. Now, a lot of rape cases probably do never get reported, however the exact number cant be known, because to be sure it was rape there has to be evidence, and the nature of it never getting reported means that it would just be a 'he-said, she-said' case, and therefore we cant conclude conclusively that it was rape or it wasnt

essentially, i agree that the paranoia about false reports are way too much, and i do agree that we have major problems with people just shrugging off rape, and a general societal problem where people don't believe people when they say they were raped

however, the numbers you've reported are incredibly hard to prove

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