Mitch McConnell tells Democrats not to 'play Russian roulette with the economy' as the GOP plays Russian roulette with the economy

Actually, it's going to hurt all of the GOP campaign donors, who don't give a shit about anything other than their portfolio value, more than it hurts the little people who rely on government checks. All of the investment banks will fail, as they deserve, if they don't pull their levers to stop it.

Here is how it will play out: Mitch and the GOP will beg Senator Manchin to vote with his party, and promise not to fund his opponent, and will privately pledge fealty to their last standing quasi-Southern Democrat. A compromise will be made, and we will be looking at a $2.5 trillion infrastructure bill, for the sake of appearances.

If this doesn't happen, the 12 progressive Senators should hold the line, let all of Wall Street and the corporate elite who have run the government to beg for pennies on the dollar of their collapsed share prices. Let them beg for a bailout of their golden parachutes, let them beg for government and the Fed to help them.

Otherwise, we face worldwide financial collapse, and the only thing that can stop it is if Congress empowers the Fed to socialize bankrupt megacorps, who are made vulnerable by their incestuous company boards and heavily interlinked and leveraged lending of money, which leaves them all fucked if a single large borrower fails.

Of course, we all know this won't happen, because it never had. Mitch is bluffing. Mitch is hoping that Bernie Sanders doesn't have one single friend with balls in the Senate. Mitch knows that he is wrong. Mitch doesn't want to lose money. Mitch will work his magic behind the scenes and pull out a face-saving compromise by begging Senator Manchin to compromise.

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