[Mod] Simple Questions - the weekly stupid questions thread! - Week Beginning April 17, 2017

Heads up,Im about only one day into gain it,I saw a routine that inspired me to try free weights in this:post

There is a couple of things I don't understand:

this is the routine:

Day A: Squat 5 X 5; OHP 5X5; Dumbbell shoulder press 5 X 10; pull ups 5 X AMRAP(As Many Reps As Possible)

Day B: deadlift 5 X 5; power clean 5 X 5; dumbbell bicep curl 5 X 10; chin ups 5 X AMRAP; dumbbell rows 1 X AMRAP

Day C: Squat 5 X 5; barbell bench press 5 X 5; dumbbell bench press 5 X 5; pull ups 5 X AMRAP

Then take a rest day, rinse, repeat.

1.what do you think on the routine? he seems reliable

2.Taking a rest on day 4 means I don't take a day off between the routines? if I do,then after the rest of day c I don't go to the gym?

3.I thought that the most effective way to bulk up is short and weighted sets rather then long and AMRAP sets. (the pull ups/chin ups part)

squat 200 X 1; deadlift 315 X 1; OHP 115 X 1; bench 200 X 1

3.What these number mean? Im going to take a "wild" guess and say it's probably not sets.

4.anyone got a good routine for warm up for lifting and stretching after workout?

/r/gainit Thread