[Mod] Tag-Related Color Changes

Are you looking primarily for F4_ posters?

It depends on my mood. In case you missed it, I'm bisexual.

If this change ended up skewing more people to post F4F instead of F4A ... would you consider that a net positive change?

Not if the people now posting F4F genuinely wanted to post F4A, but didn't want to be thrown into the _4A pond because it is challenging to wade through. Not at all. Also, I'm not sure why you keep bringing up F4 prompts, when I have clearly stated that that is not my only concern.

I'm really sorry you feel that way, but frankly I'm a bit flummoxed by it as well.

Perhaps you should look at the tone you used to reply to me and compare it to the tone you used to reply to a male as a start.

and a group of men who feel inconvenienced because now the majority of the prompts they're interested in aren't the same color, right?

Wrong. There is a group of men, women, gender fluid, and more who feel like the changes make it much more difficult for them to advertise because they are now lumped together in the _4A pond. They feel like their sexual preference, and even sexual identity, is being penalized so some men who are uncomfortable with a few people who are misusing a tag can not be uncomfortable.

I'm probably having trouble understanding this part, too. Who are you advertising to that you feel you will have a harder time reaching. I've given you my forecast of how the effect will change things - what's yours? Maybe if I can see the end results that concern you, I'll be better able to understand what the issue is.

I am not sure how else to state it to make you understand. Let's take an average straight cis-male user. When he scans the prompts for something to respond to, he is going to look for F4_ tags, right? Well, now that F4A tags (which include him as possible responders) are lumped in with M4A, T4A, and A4A posters, he finds it difficult to visually wade through all of the yellow to find F4As. The same holds true for someone who is looking for M4As, T4As, etc. etc. Grouping them together visually means the possible responder can't just spy what they are looking for by color, they have to look through the yellow pond of possibilities. This actually creates an unfair advantage to the F4Ms, or the M4Fs, etc. etc., because it is much easier to look for pink, or blue, or gray than it is to look for yellow, then sort by poster.

The change is meant to prevent the popularity of the F4M audience being sapped by a tiny minority of posters who are using it to post F4F prompts but gain the upvote and attention of the F4M color.

I have not debated that. I have simply explained that in doing this, in addressing the few people who are annoyed by a few people who misuse F4A, a large group of people are now going to be overlooked (and please, please, please understand that I am not just referring about F4A posters feeling this way).

Frankly, I don't know how else to explain any of this to you.

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