As a moderator of large subreddits who hates The_Donald but hates censorship even more, I stand with you.

I showed you where people are getting this idea that /r/the_donald are racist/xenophobic. If /r/the_donald wasn't, that comment would have been heavily downvoted, but it went to 41 points (maybe more) and there are countless other examples you were linked to. You're right not everyone in /r/the_donald is the same way, but explain to me why these posts have positive scores, because if the majority of /r/the_donald was not xenophobic / racist, there's no way these comments would be above 0.

My biggest issue is that many liberals refuse to accept that any opinion other than theirs could be valid

You say you don't like blanket labelling, but that's exactly what you're doing with r/EnoughTrumpSpam? The mods are the ones who banned people, but the users are the ones who upvoted that post. Two different groups of people. I'm not saying the hypocrisy isn't there, or that /u/spez's actions aren't way out of line (they are) but you can't blame liberals (wait, are you blanket-labelling all liberals?) for the actions of a the r/EnoughTrumpSpam mods.

I mean, when you say "liberals", or "Muslims" do or act a certain way, you're literally talking about billions of people. That's a pretty big blanket. Same way people who say "/r/the_donald users" are wrongly throwing a blanket over hundreds of thousands of people.

Also, I post here all the time, and I've never been banned from r/EnoughTrumpSpam, so it might have been something else you did...

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent