More than 300 US state and local lawmakers support the goal to achieve 50 percent renewable energy by 2030, 100 percent clean energy by 2050

As someone who lived in Lincoln for a long time:

Unique legislature

Just as equally corrupt as all the others, it makes no difference aside from trivia facts.

public electricity

I was horrified to realize this doesn't exist elsewhere, a positive but probably not a positive justifying moving there.

cheap and clean water

Nebraska in general has been doing a better job since the 1990s of managing its aquifer resources. Especially compared to Kansas, who thinks they have Nebraska-quantities of water but absolutely doesn't. This is what I would consider a major, major plus for people thinking long term (50+ years, don't kid yourself that there won't be water crises)

great trail and park system

There is one park that is good by all standards - Pioneer's Park, and one park that is "we can't really develop this river area" - Wilderness Park. Both on the southwest edge of town, both are cruising spots for gay men. Other parks are either small, shanty, or otherwise not noteworthy. There is a chain of 3 bike trails across the city, if you consider this to be a lot or not depends on your perspective.

awesome public schools

Perhaps Siedrah went to one of the good public schools, but they encompass the entire range from excellent to poor. As you can probably guess this falls along the class divides in neighborhoods, which are fairly well pronounced.

we have Runza's.

Don't be fooled, any of you. "Runza" is what happens when some guy from Nebraska sells empanadas to white people who have never heard of them before. Tasty, but available basically worldwide.

You also forgot to mention the most important part of living in Lincoln - IT'S BORING! The amount of people going to movie theaters on a frequent basis is astonishingly high, it's one of the only things to do. There is a downtown with bars, but you can basically paint the vast majority of them in the same shade of "we have TVs showing football and serve alcohol".

You also forgot to mention another important fact of living in Lincoln - IT'S SAFE! If you don't want to deal with home repairs, you only need about half of a front door to your house. Leave your car windows down, leave your furniture, motorcycle, refrigerator, and television on your front lawn if you want.

There are positives and negatives to Lincoln, but at its heart it's a city of people who come from rural Nebraska, want to pretend like it's still rural Nebraska, and who bring with them their lack of nightlife/things to do in general.

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