More than a month’s worth of rain could fall in three days

QLD SES here....dont worry about those filthy Mexicans. Get on it, its great fun, you meet fellow legends and do all sorts of shit you wouldn't have done otherwise. You wanna climb down a cliff....go crazy, you wanna climb over houses and throw tarps an shit up...go right ahead, you want to zoom around in a flood boat....please strap on a life jacket as you enter the boat, you want to search and rescue alive or dead people from the bush and climb up and down mountains.....hey, have a great time (ok, the dead body thing sucks a fair bit but still).

In all seriousness, its one of the best things ive done. Ive been in it since probably 2003ish but have put it on the backburner whilst I work FIFO as its too hard to keep up on training. You can do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, if you arent happy recovering someones body then noone is going to think any less of you, its not the easiest thing in the world to do. Same as if you are scared of heights or claustrophobic. You have to learn fair bit before getting really involved with activations but anything from navigation with ye olde compass and map, knots and ropes, cliff rescues, search and rescue and storm damage and flood stuff is up for grabs dependant on where your unit is. Training is usually once a fortnight for normal members and then things like vertica rescue is on the other weeks as they are a lot more heavy on the training and quals.

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