It's moronic Monday, your chance to ask any of those lingering questions without fear of harassment.

How do you build a solid portfolio? I currently own 2 stocks: HPE, OPK. These are my longs, as I am looking into holding these near the end of the year maybe longer. I have been looking at stocks like MNKD, tan, HPQ, MSFT, F, Aro, RNN, PYPL. Also how do you find out about stocks that are undervalued. I found out about OPK and MNKD from Reddit. That being said I do my own research on the stocks and then make a judgement.

That being said I am willing to take some risks with my money. I have lost so far $265 on the market and have made about 450ish (sold 225 from DWTI ) and the rest from HPE (Which is growing!) My goal is to make enough money so I do not have to worry about student loans. So far I am on track Financially for my 10K goal by the end of this year. I am a full time student (16 credits), who, works about 15 hours a week and watches the market everyday. I do not invest in DWTI/UWTI unless I know I have the time to watch real time crude.

I have about 3k ready to drop on the market. Today I could have made 2000 easily off ARO if I did not get stopped out last Thursday. Anyways, I want to make money and grow financially. I am planning on purchasing the "Intelligent Investor" after this Semester in order to expand my knowledge. Overall I am still a rookie, but am willing to take risks. For my age, 19 I am doing extremely well, however I want more. I like being financially stable, nothing beats that feeling. My overall goal is to eventually turn this into a potential career on top of my major (MIS). Again I am going to say it, I am a Rookie but am slowly learning the ropes. Any advice at all would be appreciated. Apologies if I went a little off topic.

/r/investing Thread