In most cases, it will cost your employer far more to replace you than it would to give you a raise. So ask firmly.

No, not 10 years experience. Reading up on the things that has happened in the last 10 years.

I realize my limits, they could probably teach me a lot about whatever kind of GUI functionality is bust because it doesn't provide anything for the user experience, but that's about where it ends.

I'm the guy who suggested WPF MVVM pattern using the Prism library to make it easily extensible with modules and using Entity Framework so that we wouldn't have to spend time on the database setup and the devs could stay in their environment.

They chose the wrap a ADO.NET DataSet in a class and call it Database, they chose to store all the data in Excel workbooks with duplicate data and all relations hard-coded SQL logic not even stored as procedures in a database but rather pure text in string properties of objects they serialize to xml.

It did not take a lot of studying to become better. I realize my limits; they could probably shame me with their C++ skills, but in our current production environment those skills happen to be irrelevant and sometimes a detriment as I've seen a fair bit of C++ hacks appear in C# which were completely unnecessary as it was functionality .NET already provides. The ref keyword seems to be a big thing with these guys, even though the passed object is a reference type.

Just trying to describe MVVM and Prism to these guys left me with blank stares as if I was explaining it to people who had never programmed in their lives.

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