Movies vs video games

I think video games can tell great stories and there have been games with great stories. Just look at The Last of Us, which I think is the pinnacle of storytelling in a video game. The cutscenes are never too long so it doesn't feel like I'm watching a movie (I'm looking at you, Metal Gear) and being able to explore the world as you play adds a whole lot to the feeling of actually being in this world and that cannot be captured on film the way it is in the game. Also the story is never overly expository, like many video game stories are and really focuses on the characters. There are other games like Bioshock, which is another great example of effective storytelling in games. You control your character at all times, there is no time where you are sitting through a cutscene. Bioshock is all about world building and it does it in a way that just can't be done in quite the same way on film. Also now with games like Shadow of the Colossus and Journey, there are games that virtually have no dialogue that can still tell a story and bring out emotion in someone just by playing the game. However, I do think movies are still better at telling stories. The only video game to make me as emotional as I get for some movies is The Last of Us. Also there just aren't that many great video game stories. It's getting better but a lot of times you have stories that are good "for a video game" (i.e. Assassin's Creed 2).

I think the person who used Goodfellas as an example of great storytelling in films is spot on. Just the way Scorsese chooses to tell the story is very cinematic, especially the Helicopter scenes. I mean for another example that is completely different is The Tree of Life, which cannot be done on any other medium.

/r/movies Thread