Moving on without closure

I don't really have closure either.

How do you deal when they've contacted you 2 weeks ago but you ignored it?

After 3 months of exclusivity we officially dated merely a fucking week and the following weeks after that I was in limbo because she didnt want to lose me but also wasnt sure if she wanted a relationship. But we acted like we were dating - meeting parents, sleeping over each others houses, sex etc.

2 months-ish after we broke up, with random contact once every 2 weeks I started blocking her off things slowly once I realised she was back on tinder. She told me the reason why she wanted to end things was because she needed to be single (and devoid of attachment, but not affection - I was so blind I didn't even realise she said this). She messaged me when she realised I blocked her off snapchat, and we had a big convo catching up - In the end, she basically said she wants to spend this time in her life basically sleeping around and experimenting, how she did love me but nothing could change her mind about not wanting a relationship, how she didnt want anyone and still doesnt. She told me "I'm going to be blunt..." and admitted that she wants to have the option to sleep around with anyone she desires to, to not be tied down basically. When she said that, I just said goodnight and blocked her the next day. I cried while blocking her, it was ridiculously hard because I really did love her in that short time.

She then began texting me asking me if I blocked her, begging me to talk to her, calling me. Didn't pick up once and told her I was busy because I was with out my friends and it was annoying - and she kept calling/texting pleading to talk to me and to explain what she said because 'it's not what it seems', even the next day asking me if I was still busy, never replied.

It's been 2 weeks. She hasn't texted since. I'm kinda unsure if I'm doing the right thing. It's not like if I replied to her she'll suddenly want me back? I just wish she woke up and realised she's leaving someone she herself called 'perfect', we have so much potential.

Sometimes I feel good about it, other times I feel awful and it ruins my day. I didn't really do anything wrong other than be a touch clingy the second I realised she contemplating leaving me.

/r/ExNoContact Thread