MRW I find out I'm losing my job in 6 weeks because a more senior male colleague twice my age tried to sleep with me, made my life a living hell for months when I rejected him, and my boss didn't want to take him through a disciplinary process when I reported him for harassment

This is what i want guys flipping about men's rights to get. Women's rights are an additive concept. Men's are a subtractive.

Men give people power over themselves in how they allow judgement to affect them. How they look. How they act. But this doesn't have an impact on their livelihood. They can choose it. I've seen men who are incompetent, any body type not care at all and still been called efficient enough to keep their job.

He talked loudly at someone? Let's ignore it. Maybe they deserved to get yelled at.

Women have to gain power where they have to convince someone else to give them power. Always. Also Every single movement that should have nothing to do with our livelihood has an affect over our livelihood. Over weight? Let's see how we can make her loose her job. Didn't "put out" despite her job isn't prostitution and she does actually do the job description that earns her paycheck at that particular business? Fired/demoted. She spoke the truth to someone? She's overreacting. No matter what the situation, no one deserved to get talked to honestly by a woman.

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