mrw trump insults my country's far superior health care with an outright lie and Americans believe him

ke months to get in to see certain specialists. Annoying? Sure. But those referrals I've had to wait on weren't for anything life-threatening. And, it's free. I've given birth in Canada twice and made multiple trips to the ER, all for $0. I go to the doctor frequently and never pay out of pocket for anything besides medication. In contrast, I took my son to an ER in the states once and came out with a bill for $3k+. He had a high fever, they ran a couple tests and ultimately gave him some Tylenol and released us. Three thousand dollars. My brother was severely injured as a child and spent some time in the hospital. It absolutely ruined my parents financially

I'm American. People continue to visit emergency rooms when there is a clear and obvious emergency, but anything less is evaluated by the patient and not by a doctor. Myself and my friends have googled our systems instead of going to a doctor, because we cannot afford an evaluation, basic treatment, and certainly not hospitalization.

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