is mutah marraige halal?

Y'know, I'm no quranist or anything and I think many of you here would maybe call me a conservative muslim but even I think your argument has no merit. Your argument only applies if all you think of marriage as just Allah S.W.T. allowing you to have sex with someone. And what's wrong with wanting sex if you will only do it in lawful ways?

How is anyone outsmarting Allah S.W.T. by following his command for marriage? All that's being done is that the length of marriage is agreed between two parties. The benefits is that it avoids fahishah, zina and secret unlawful relationships, yes, but is sex all you think marriage is good for? It can be done between a man and a woman interested in marrying each other without them ever planning to have sex or anything inappropriate (if it was doing outside of marriage) so to avoid fitnah.

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