My [16/M] girlfriend [19/F] of 1 year pressured me into having sex with her on her birthday. I feel confused about the whole situation.

Ok O.P., there's a lot of people giving you input either way. Telling you how you should feel, sticking a label on the experience for you, yada yada. I think what's important to establish, is how do you feel? If you feel violated, disrespected, gross, etc., I think maybe it's time for you to reestablish you're feelings regarding continuing this relationship. But if you feel this was a hiccup, a situation taken to far, or a mistake on your girlfriends part, I think maybe you should listen to some of the other commenters and have an honest conversation. If she can't level with you, understand where you're coming from, or tries to initiate again, I'd cut and run. But I think sometimes, despite what others say, it's okay to get a different perspective. From what you say, it seems she really is trying to double back because she realizes she fucked up. Maybe, like you said, she was just trying to be closer, and just had a misguided way of going about it. I don't think it's fair to label someone a rapist and nefarious individual when we don't really know the full context of the situation. I'm going to get a shit ton of down votes and hate comments for this, but I think first and foremost you should talk to her. Communicate your feelings. People make mistakes, and maybe she feels absolutely horrible for making you uncomfortable and didn't quite grasp the situation's gravity until after the fact. I'm definitely playing the devils advocate here but I think the real test is how she continues to behave after this. If up to this point, you two have had a healthy, loving, and mutually respectful relationship, I think it's only fair to at least give her the chance to explain herself. This is definitely going to be an unpopular opinion on this sub but for god sake sometimes things aren't black and white and need a bit of a closer look to be sorted properly.

/r/relationships Thread