My (20F) boyfriend (22M) just told me I needed to wait two years to go to college in order to take care of his daughter(3F).

You should go to school, but not because you feel like you HAVE to, or because you'll be "behind" if you don't finish by age x.

If you're honestly floundering and don't know what you want to go to school for its perfectly ok to take some time to figure that out. There's no use wasting time, money, and energy taking classes that aren't useful. But that gets to be your decision, not his.

His reasoning may be that he knows you're not 100% serious about school, so instead of wasting more time you focus energy elsewhere.

I agree with everyone else that this isn't your kid, and he should not expect you to drop everything to care for her.

I think his reasoning is probably he has 2 more yrs of school left, if he can power through without reducing his classes then he can then work full time to support his family. And since you're not serious anyways, you're more helpful to the "team" by supporting him and his daughter through the next 2 yrs, so that once he graduates he can be the bread winner for everyone.

However, that's alot to ask JUST a girlfriend to do. In fact it's way to much to ask. If you were engaged or married it'd be a little more reasonable.

My fiance and I started dating when I was 19. I finished a 2 yr degree then stopped going to school to support the both of us while he went to school in a demanding degree. But that was MY choice. He never demanded it.

Sometimes I regret it, but mostly i know that if the tables where turned he would've done the same for me. And I know in the future he will support me anyway I need it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is its ok if you want to not go to school to figure yourself out, to help him out, etc, but that should be your choice and you should know without a doubt that he would do the same for you.

/r/relationships Thread