My (20F) boyfriend (23M) has been lying to me about politics for two years.

You have every right to be upset and hurt. Honesty and openness are what make relationships successful.

Probably shooting myself in the foot here, but I can also understand why your boyfriend wasn't honest. I have been a registered democrat for years and my parents, along with everyone else in my family, for that matter, are hardcore republicans. I kept my political viewpoints a secret for so long (they found out a few months ago) because I feared how they would treat me and my husband, who is also a democrat. Most of my family-immediate and extended-is extremely disappointed in us, to put it lightly, and I imagine we will REALLY be feeling it come November.

Maybe now is the time to sit down with your boyfriend and have a lengthy discussion about his political beliefs, during which I would encourage you to keep an open mind. Ask him why he believes what he does and what made him choose this particular party. He has his own political beliefs for a reason(s), just as you do yours. And tell him bluntly, again, that the lies are why you are angry and hurt. It sounds to me like he truly fears you hate him since he is a republican. You might need to remind him otherwise a couple more times before he gets it.

Sadly, we live in such a divided country right now. I have seen friends lose friends, legitimate threats of disownment, and even marriages/romantic relationships dissolve over political differences. Your boyfriend, at the root of it all, probably wanted to keep the peace AND you. He unfortunately went about it in a very wrong, unhealthy way.

/r/relationships Thread