My [22f] BF [25M] asks for expensive gifts as presents, I can't afford them

youre right I don't think he was trying to be hurtful and I do think he appreciates it. In his defense its been very warm since the beanie so he didn't really have a reason to wear one yet. Plus the last time he wore one was in Europe. I'm not hurt that he hasn't worn it but I realize the things I do might not be what he truly needs and that's fine. I can't expect him to enjoy and like something just because I made it, so instead of resenting him over it because I spent so long on it, I rather not put either of us in that situation and avoid it all together.

I also don't know if hes materialistic as such, but more just a person who doesn't have much needs and the things he "needs" are things he will eventually get himself and are just expensive toys/display items that he collects.

I'm not even sure if he will be upset if I don't get something from his list, but he seems to be bringing up getting this gift for him more and more and making it clear that this is the only thing he wants and he really wants it.

After I posted this, we talked and lucky for me he brought up this topic yet again with a " omg which one of the items are you getting me from my list, I can't wait" and I told him I'm not getting him any of it and won't be putting thought into it from now on. He was surprised and asked why and I told him that he refused to make me a cake as he couldn't be bothered with it yet he expects me to be bothered to make him a tone of sweets on top of getting him an expensive toy. He doesn't remember me asking for the cake and kind of acted like I was remembering it wrong and that he would make it if I asked for anything so I must not be remembering it right (nope). Anyway he didn't make a big deal about it and kind of just said okay to anything I said. Not sure what that means but yeah at least I made it clear this isn't happening. he can prepare himself for disappointment

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