My [24 F] longtime boyfriend [23 M] has been saying He'll ask me to marry him when he knows we'll always be secure financially. I just got my trust. What's the best way to go about telling him and asking him to marry me.

Ok so to my knowledge my family is nowhere near this wealthy but they do have let's just say a lot of financial freedom.

My husband did not know how wealthy my family was until he found out our wedding budget (which was far more than either of us had expected) due to me and my immediate family not living like I was "from money" and that I supported myself in a 600 square foot apt when we met. I think that he asked me when he didn't know did help some doubts that otherwise may have eventually creeped in. If he only had married me after learning that particular detail I really feel like I would have at some point wondered about his motivations even though I already knew him better than that.

I also agree with others that you need to make an appointment with an attorney. I recieve large gifts periodically such as a car, downpayment for a home, as well as a share of the max tax free gifts that can be given from certain family members and I personally have had to set things up a particular way to protect these assets and any inheritance that I may come into from several trust funds I recently gained knowledge of. Everyone plans for forever when getting married but when it comes to my family's money I feel like I have an obligation to make sure in case of divorce or his death it is exclusively my seperate property, and these laws can be tricky to navigate so an attorney is essential.

Also be warned money can change relationships and there will be some conversations that need to happen. My husband's family were not told about my family's financial status but figured it out and honestly think I have way more money than I ever have. His parents began asking for debts they racked up to be paid off, his siblings began asking for help with new cars they wanted, all while treating me like some spoiled rich kid. The key to living a fairly normal life is not to live like you have as much money as you do. Only a few of my closest and oldest friends know anything and my husband has been careful not to tell people. Because when people do find out there are frivolous law suits and guilt trips.

/r/relationships Thread