My [24F] bipolar SO [24M] has gotten really bad about personal hygiene. We have lived together for a year, but only started dating 4 months ago and he stopped taking care of himself.

He has been brain washed by his dads whole military mindset of ‘men need to be men’ garbage and thinks it’s a clear sign of being a weak man to admit you can’t manage something or need help. I understand it because my dad is the same way but one does not simply denial and tough your way out of a mental illness that causes unstable thoughts and actions when it’s at its peak.

I would like to talk to him about a lot of things but it’s been very hard recently, my perspective is due to the “traditional relationship” his parents have (failed at) I’ve been put into a “submissive wife” role in his head and now he’s the man.. of my house. It’s a lot to unpack on the internet, but I think he would benefit from therapy.

To support the above assumption of what I believe is going on, we don’t feel like friends anymore. He doesn’t talk to me like he used to, he’s guarded, vague and talks to me like he’s keeping me far away now. I don’t know if that’s a bipolar thing or a delusional thing or just a coping mechanism from watching his parents try to do the whole man and woman have their place game but I cannot give up my independence and allow him to take over my life for some weird outdated fantasy that he’s going to be man/breadwinner when he can’t even manage to shower.

/r/BipolarSOs Thread Parent