My (24F) girlfriend broke up with me (31M) and I desperately want her back. Completely broken.

I haven't unfortunately. I am seriously beginning to worry that I probably won't.

So bit of a background, I was dating and engaged to get married to someone else when I met my boyfriend. There was instant attraction and while I was willing to just have a short fling (because I still wanted to stay with my then fiance despite all the issues), my current boyfriend convinced me that he wants a serious relationship instead. Now, he (current BF) had a history of many many casual flings - we are in the same professional circle so I knew about it and he had a reputation for being a player so I wasn't expecting anything serious. Before we started dating, we had a long discussion about everything - his past and mine - and we agreed that we want to try having an exclusive relationship with each other, despite our nature. And we agreed that if either of us feels like straying we will tell the other person and keep them in the loop. However, both the instances I described he was deliberately hiding things from me. And knowing him as well as I do, I sensed it and found out. Like I mentioned, he did seem genuinely upset about it - requested me to give him another chance and said that he thinks his behaviour maybe symptomatic of that of a sex addict and asked me for time till he seeks help. The problem was that I saw another text from another girl asking him to meet and she also happened to be on snapchat with him. He claims that there is nothing between them and she is just an old friend but I can't help but disbelieve him. And he got very angry about my questioning him about it.

Anyway, my condition for staying in the relationship was that he doesn't hide these flirtations (even if they are not physical) from me. And I can deal with the straying as long as I am not being kept in the dark. Somehow, he seems reluctant to try that. Like I said before, he knows he has a problem but he doesn't like being questioned about it and I feel that as a partner, I am owed at least that. He agrees with the principle but seems unable to actually implement it.

Now, I really do think I want to stay with him anyway because he is my best friend, he is the only person who truly knows me and the person I can be myself with and also, with the history of how I broke up with my ex, I really don't think I will ever find anyone else and even if I do, he will not be as great as my current bf (all his other issues aside, he is truly a very great guy). So, I am where you are - willing to look past anything if it lets us continue the relationship. However, I am afraid even though he has caused the breakdown of trust, he now doesn't want to try. He is willing to remain single all of his life than be answerable to me. I know he isn't breaking up with me right now out of a sense of obligation. But I am actually worried, he will... as soon as he gets a chance. And that he will because I will someday lose my temper with him and he will make that an issue to break up.

I am sorry I couldn't give you a better answer. The short point is, you can survive anything if both partners want to be in it. And the whole point of this above story is, even if you get her back, you will have to face her distrust, show her proofs, do all sorts of things that will hurt your ego and pride to regain her trust. I know my BF, with all of his talk of being honest, me being his life and everything else, couldn't do it. And he was clearly in the wrong - you aren't. Would you be able to live in a relationship like that? With a jealous / insecure partner who questions every innocent interaction you have? Because that is what I am right now and even I can see why my BF doesn't want to deal with this.

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