How many letters can we add?

As a trans woman, I can totally understand the argument that gender identity has nothing to do with sexuality and so it doesn't make much sense to lump the two together, but historically the two have been linked in terms of societal perception. Trans women were (and still sometimes are) treated like feminine gay men, and many people still don't even know the difference. Hell, I live in one of the most liberal parts of California and I had to explain to someone last week that being trans didn't make me gay. So the acceptance issues that we face do still have some overlap.

Also, it seems kind of shitty for a community that has fought together for decades to improve the lives of two groups to disband because the majority group is progressing more in social acceptance than the minority group. It kind of feels like an "I got mine" sort of attitude, but then I can also understand the feeling that you would have hearing that the past actions of people you've never met obligate you to fight for the rights of a specific and separate group alongside your own.

It's definitely a complicated issue, despite what some might want to claim. All I can say is that I don't know. I prefer to get involved in non-queer causes anyway, since I find the queer community to be incredibly toxic most of the time. As you pointed out in another comment, there are too many people basing the entirety of their personality and self-worth on their queer status.

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