My [25m] girlfriend [21f] is having a really hard time with the transition stage between childhood and adulthood. Also, we're both having a really hard time finding people in our age range to hang out with.

How's that going to look when the two of you are married in 10 years?

Neither of us really believe in marriage or having kids, but I see your point.

It's hard for me, because I went through this exact same thing when I was her age, after being "king of the castle" all through school I had to figure out how to be alone and not have a bunch of people ready to party whenever I wanted. This was actually one of the things that brought us together when we first started dating, because we didn't understand why everyone else go so boring. I've been assuming she'll grow out of it because I did, but maybe she needs to burn out of it (like I did) or else she'll always be longing for it.

And they all end the night depressed because they couldn't find any different, random people to do it with?

This is apparently a really difficult concept for introverts, and I've never understood why, because the experience is beautiful. Partying isn't about spending time with a few close friends, it's about getting drunk and, well, party hopping. You find a group of people who are having a party and you join in. Then you meet new people, and when things start to wind down someone will say "hey I'm throwing a rager at my house since this one's winding down" and then you follow that guy to his house, and then the next house, and this goes on until around 7 AM. It is absolutely the most fun thing I've ever done in my life, and although my body can't take that much alcohol anymore, I'd love to do that 3-4 times a year. I'd imagine this is all people ever do in heaven.

She's not the Queen Bee anymore because once people graduate high school, they start thinking for themselves and living their own life instead of doing what their overbearing, type A friend tells them to do.

I think at some point someone's going to have to tell her this, and I have no idea how she's going to take it. Not looking forward to that day. For me I had a really rough 6-8 month transition period, and then just eased out of it and now I still long for my old life, but I'm not going to be upset if I can't have it. I think that's the difference between her and me.

I don't really understand the whole college culture thing, but I think it's partially that I went to college and loved it, and she hates being reminded that I'm a whole stage of life ahead of her because she considers us to be equals. I also consider us as equals, but I frequently have to explain to her that I won't take a job in retail or as a store clerk because I have a specialized degree and am only looking for work in that field (I've had a few offers but she hates me to talk about it because the difference in our pay would be so big it makes her nervous). Anyway, that's a story for another post.

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