My (30 F) boyfriend (34 M) of 11 months, just discovered he has no savings, no life plan at all, and can't even articulate anything he might want in his future. I think it's a deal breaker but I'm stuck mid medical recovery for next couple months with him.

I think the root of his problems can stem from something way bigger than just not having any passion, drive or idea of what he wants to do. These problems can be very complex and trust me when I say this, but life is hard and Chad honestly seems like a great guy and someone who is compatible with you emotionally, but the thing is he doesn't seem to have it figured out. What I mean by this is that he is 34 and he should have at least some kind of plan when it comes down to what he wants in life and for his future. At 34, he absolutely needs to save money, think about family/kids and see what career is good for him or what he's passionate about.

I think he is just a little bit lost in life. What is his background? Does he have a college degree? It would help to know a little bit more about Chad and what are his qualifications. I also don't like to look down on people who have minimum wage jobs, but at 34 a minimum wage job would not be sufficient enough of an income to live life comfortably. I mean it is not a surprise he has no savings. Minimum wage and after taxes he barely have anything left.

Talk to him about what he truly wants to do with his life. Ask him when he gets old someday what does he want his legacy to be?

The biggest red flag I saw here is when you said, "If he has kids, he'll just be a stay at home dad". That to me did not sound very well and I feel he is putting too much pressure on you now and also too much pressure on you in the future.

He needs to absolutely know that he wants to be with you and that you are a part of his future. Otherwise, this won’t get anywhere. Sometimes in life even the nicest people aren’t the most compatible. To be compatible you guys need to have the same similar views and while views do differ, it should still be very much similar to how your partner should feel/think.

/r/relationships Thread