My boyfriend [28/M] and I [23/F] of 1 year moved in together 3 months ago and he hasn't, can't (Won't) get a job. Is 3 months a reasonable amount of time?

I dunno, what do you like about him? I was a student for ten years of my life and during those times I had two long term bfs (not at the same time) who financially supported me and I never had to pay for anything. I would have been pretty horrified to know that they considered that time period, as me mooching off them or taking advantage of them. At the time, I assumed they would be my husband at some point and I fully intended on supporting our relationship when I was done with school. I realize your bf is not a student, not particularly ambitious, and is not picking up the slack at the house. If all this is true then logically it makes sense to end it with him and or put up timeframes. I suppose it depends on what you want and whether he meets what you want. If you value him being an equal contributor or more than that, then he might not be the one for you. I guess it depends on what what he has and how much you value each of those things. Right now, I can fully support myself plus more, and while my current bf makes less, I value the time we spend together more than the income disparity.

/r/relationships Thread