My character in my friends Pathfinder campaign, a Bardbarian called Ryuto Karasu

Ryuto Karasu is a drow Bard/Barbarian. She was abandoned by her parents and raised by wood elves. Her brother carved her a lute made out of wood when she was a child. However, she has a short temper because she wasn't well accepted in her village.

The tattoo on her midriff is a heart with the work 'Akyl' in it, the name of her lover who passed away. She is a Pathfinder version of my 5e drow Bard, Mikiri Kurusu. In 5e, she murdered her lover after reading from an Eldritch Tome and recounting the horrors she found in it. She ran away from her village after this happened so she didn't kill anyone else. She is plagued with the memory of him and often talks to his voice, which only she can hear so it looks like she's talking to herself.

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