"My dad could kick your dad's ass!" - Minor scuffle in /r/pics over manly fathers, with a side order of defending freedoms.

Alpha is defined as 'dominant', 'first in order of importance'.

The entire debate here is how alpha is achieved. It can be through 2 ways: physical or intellectual means.

Let's evaluate dominance.

Bankers/Lawyers are people who have proven they can achieve dominance intellectually. There is nothing to suggest they can't achieve physical dominance as well. Of the people I know with the discipline to follow through bodybuilding or strenuous sports or martial arts are mostly inclined towards the intellectuals, including scholars and doctors. Bankers/Lawyers: - Intellect - Definite dominance. - Physical - Nothing to suggest they can't dominate, most of them actually DO dominate. Being smart doesn't mean being weak, if Isaac Newton went bodybuilding he'd still have one of the highest IQs ever to grace humankind.

Soldiers are people who, though not all, mostly couldn't achieve dominance in intellectual fields and were hence ousted from most of modern society's intellectually-dependent paths. Don't try to argue this. I WAS in the army. This is why most of them turned to the army. They train in physical fitness, not out of their own arrogance or control, but mostly because there's sergeants screaming down at them and there's the fear of getting court-martialled. Soldiers are trained to be brainless, and to just do what they're told without question. There's practically no chance for evaluation, and when you try to you get confined or you get charged. I've been there. Would they have the arrogance, the control and discipline to keep themselves physically superior? Most soldiers I know, once they get out of basic military training, just let themselves go. They wouldn't train outside of their own unit's compulsory daily regime much. Seen their beer bellies? Soldiers: - Intellect - Most likely no, given the statistics I've seen. They're mostly intellectual rejects. - Physical - They are physically fit, but not out of their own choice. They do so because there's someone screaming at them and there's the fear of being labelled weak and dishonoured by court-martials. Who's the alpha wolf, the wolf that leads the pack in killing without anyone else suggesting it at all, or every other wolf that just follows commands because they fear being ousted by the pack?

TL;DR, wars are countries fighting against one another. USA vs Iraq. It was basically Bush/Obama vs Saddam Hussein. Soldiers are basically just extensions for the people in control. Bush and Obama are Yale/Harvard graduates with law degrees.*

Soldiers? Alpha? How?

Was in the army. Now in law school. I can tell you, it takes much more aggression and dominant arrogance to survive the latter. Survive the army? You just need to fear, to let them instil it into you. The best soldiers that go into war are the best at listening, at following commands. The best servants.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com