[spoilers 3.05] [rant] What disappointed me...

I feel like Simmons got hit with the 'YOU'RE BAD AND WRONG!!!' blinking neon tube basically all of season 2 and now, surprise! season 3 too. And she really doesn't deserve it.

This! First I want to say, I truly don't believe Jemma did wrong by falling for Will in that situation. I don't. That said, I'm frustrated that she is once again put in the position of being the "obstacle" to the ship while Fhad is put in the position of nobly pining. Again. Don't get me wrong - I love that Fitz is being the good guy here and I'd expect no less of him, but it's a bit unfair that she's put in the kind of "bad guy" role once again.

At least this time we got her side of the story. I like Will (though he'll probably turn evil/ die/ both because it is AoS) and I think they did a good job of building Will and Jemma's relationship.

And I agree she doesn't deserve this. Some people act like the fans are being sexist when they villify her and maybe that's true, but I think they're responding to the work. Last season, a huge chunk of her side of the story was cut, leaving her actions looking significantly worse without context. Hell, her valid fears re: mysterious transformation that disfigured Raina, were framed to look genocidal because of this.

Not to mention her, frankly, awkward quasi-OOC attempt to kill Ward and the even weirder fact that, in a show that made a point of having all the mains take a swing at Ward, she is the only character treated as a bad guy for it. Seriously, Coulson sells Ward to someone who explicitly intends to deny him a fair trial and used to torture him is treated like a fun comeuppance (instead of a necessary evil), but Jemma is demonized for trying to kill someone who, at that point in the story, has a much higher, more gratuitous body count? Ridiculous.

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