My dad died today and I'm happy

Can relate. He had someone break into my home several years ago, cheated on my mom and they got divorced (which he dragged out for years just to make life difficult for my mom), and he was generally a shitbag to me and my brother. We never had any good family vacations because it was just him resenting our presence the whole time and being an asshole. If you were enjoying anything, even something as simple as candy or icecream, he would fuck it up for you and try to make you feel bad.

We were one of those families who were always poor, but he always found money to buy himself things like a large boat. He hid drugs and other weird shit around our property, then questioned us in the most suspicious way possible when it went missing (spoiler: people came to steal things because he left tons of crap outside). Now he's 'dating' a 'recovering' heroin addict who trades sex for a place to live, AFTER she stole gifts from my brother's wedding and tried to open credit cards in my sisters' names. Yeah.

I'll definitely be a happy when that selfish bastard dies.

/r/offmychest Thread