It started when I was 10.

Please do stand up and call it out. I'm seriously sick to my stomach at how many of these and similar stories I've been reading. As my username may imply, I'm a man. But I'm a man with a younger sister who's preparing to go out into the world in the next couple years. I'm a man with a niece who I absolutely adore, female cousins I love, sisters-in-law I admire, and a mother who literally made me the man I am (both for good and ill, but ultimately she's shows me far more love than I deserve and that's all that matters). The fact that they all live in this world is horrifying and I truly hope we can change it for the better. Preferably soon.

I do try and do what I can, but I'm pretty much a shut in. Was even before the pandemic hit, so I'm not out in the world too often. I try to keep aware in case I ever stumble across an incident I can help with, but I worry I wouldn't even recognize something happening half the time because I just am not familiar with any of it. Like, a dude catcalling or trying to coerce a girl/woman into getting into his car is pretty obvious, but a lot of it is more quiet and insidious and I feel like, at least in my area, the quiet stuff is far more common. I just have no idea what to do.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread