My first experience on Moonguard at Goldshire :(

So I'm actually from Moon Guard, and I'd like to share my experience.

I played Horde and when I first transferred from either Steamwheedle Cartel or Blackwater Raiders (I can't remember which I'm originally from), it was during Wrath. I played a blood elf paladin for a while. Did a fair bit of roleplay of the paladin sort as was very common in Wrath for obvious reasons.

Then I made an orc warrior. And I came to love the class. I eventually reached 80 and joined a couple orc-themed RP guilds, but none of them stuck around. One I really liked, but unfortunately the guild leader disappeared for a while.

Desparate not to let the idea of a good orcish-themed RP-PvP guild die, I made my own. There really wasn't much orc RP back then you see. Coming off of TBC, blood elves were still the most popular race and most RP guilds were focused around House or nobility or just some sort of blood elf theme. So I had a niche that was filled by few. And I did pretty well. I focused on us as part of the Kor'kron (remember when they were good guys?) and roleplaying in Orgrimmar, particularly in old Grommash Hold (which was basically the only building big enough to RP in for old Org). We organized RP-PvP matches with other similarly themed Alliance military guilds. From Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms were fucked shit up. We weren't expert PvPers or anything, but win or lose we took the guild's story where it went, while guild members had their own character stories developed in the guild or with guild members or others. We fought, we partied, we goofed off out of character. Catacylsm was very kind to the guild - an Orgrimmar with a proper inn and barracks to roleplay in. Both factions at war. And Mists was wonderful, with our Kor'kron theme we had to choose between being good or evil, follow Garry or not. Basically had our own little roleplay civil war. That was good fun.

What's my point of this long ramble? You scratched the surface. In fact, you scratched the surface everyone else scratched thousands of times before. You didn't see Moon Guard for what it really is as a RP server, you just saw Goldshire. These people aren't the "roleplay community" of the server - many are off-server people with dedicated alts to get their jollies and do the roleplay equivalent of shitposting. Your barometer of the server is one town that's been a shitshow since it basically launched. It'd be like if I sat in your server's Trade Chat for 5 minutes and wondered why your raiding and PvP scene was shit.

This isn't even original. You're getting the easiest upvotes there is by pandering to a boring old joke and only helping to keep it going. This isn't Moon Guard's problem. None of us really care. But I felt I should provide some context - we're not a joke server, legit RP happens here, actual people have actual connections here like any server where you join guilds and do stuff in-game together.

But people just keep coming to Goldshire to make their stupid videos and take their stupid screenshots. They keep feeding the beast independently, wondering all the while how Goldshire stays this way. I can't imagine why.

/r/wow Thread Link -