My girlfriend slapped me so hard my nose bleeds

Aye, my dad used to be on anti psychotics to keep his temper in check. Before that he had never hit his partners. The worse he would do was curse and swear and break things, then he replaced that with cursing and swearing and storming off to cool off. Then he got those pills and he just curses and swears and doesn't need to leave the house to cool off and not smash shit just take a five minute breather in another room.

If someone that needs MEDICATION and not the weak stuff, actually proper, stop you being crazy level medication can restrain from inflicting physical violence on someone then a 'sane' person better well pull there head in.

I'm fine with people yelling the heat of an argument or maybe breaking something (My dads last out burst when he lost his cool was when his ex wife called up asking for money when his mother died, he kicked a table smashing it and breaking his foot. His ex wife is a vulture that harasses him when any of his family dies for money).

But the moment you lay a hand a proper hand on someone you're a bloody cunt. I'm chill with the playful hit some relationships do, you know one person says something completely idiotic and they just get one of those "You done goofed" 'slaps' that are like a tap on the arm or leg. But a proper slap just disgusts me let alone punch or shove.

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