My Horrific Experience

" It’s unfathomable to me that we could have had such an intense and amazing relationship, overall, but that she could, at the drop of a hat, dive into something new without so much as a mourning period. "

This. This. This. My fiance broke up with me over text after almost 5 years. He was on hookup sites that week looking for a relationship. For a month, I didn't even know who I was. I dropped out of school, was close to losing my job, and lost 10 pounds, had night terrors daily.

I was not allowed to be not perfect. Whenever I did something wrong, he would give me the silent treatment, sometimes for days, and then come back and act like nothing had happened. I couldn't disagree with him or he would take it as a personal attack. Constantly walking on eggshells.

At almost 30, he only has one friend left. You figure that by this age he learns that the toxic behavior is from him and that's why he doesn't really have friends.

I'm slightly over a month out, I'm currently getting counseling. I'm getting better day by day, but I'm learning not to take it personally.

feel free to pm me if you want to talk

/r/BPDlovedones Thread