My [M/33] boyfriend is universally despised and unacknowledged by my [F/21] family

OP's boyfriend here, hi!

I'm noticing a lot in this thread right now. Curious people, hateful people and the everpresent Reddit armchair psychiatrist. Here are the facts. Do we have a significant age gap between us? Yeah, we're not idiots, we understand that this is hurdle. Is it insurmountable? No, it's obviously not because it happens every day, to more couples than people realize. I work in the film industry and have for ten years. For those that think my gaps between films reflects upon my work ethic, you simply don't understand the industry. I picked up Lyft/Uber to fill the gaps in between movies instead of just collecting an unemployment check and getting fat on the couch, because I like to think of myself as a productive member of society. I make more than enough money to sustain a healthy lifestyle doing one or the other.

I generally date people my age or older and was shocked when I managed to fall for a woman younger than me. I'm loving, kind, generous and would quite literally do just about anything to secure my girlfriend's happiness, even when that means going to her family gatherings and smiling, laughing, inquiring about the special things in life to her staunchly traditional, Roman catholic family just to make nice. I'm not trying to float my own boat here but, I'm a really decent guy that just fell in love with a girl. That's it.

My family and friends are super loving and supportive and nary a naysayer they be. Everybody encouraged me to follow love and adventure. I understand her mother's perspective, I do. She wants what is best for her daughter and I can never and will never fault her for that. I will continue to prove myself, as I already have, again and again in the hopes that someday, I can adopt her family as my own. I know a lot of people will have more to say against me or us in this thread and that's fine, I've been on Reddit a while and I know what to expect. Any more questions or concerns, shoot. I'm glad to keep this conversation going as long as it needs to be. Thanks!

/r/relationships Thread