My male housemate got catcalled by another man on his way home yesterday. MRW he tells me this story while angrily pointing out why catcalling and sexual objectification are wrong.

I'm not advocating for reddit circlejerks or those who propagate them. I'm not saying that all cases of rape get properly addressed by the judicial system, or that even most cases of rape are handled properly.

My point was that this statement is too black and white:

"Meanwhile on reddit, the boys club assures us that false accusations of rape and sexual harassment are an epidemic and the important thing is making sure that men are protected from the justice women seek out. It's disturbing and disgusting, but that's rape culture."

Raising concern with regards to mishandling of rape cases and sexual assault by the media, police, and judicial system goes both ways. Does it usually favor the rapists, which tend to be men? Yes.

But it's not like that happens 100% of the time, and your argument that the "boys club" calls false accusations an "epidemic" and says that "the important thing is making sure that men are protected from the justice women seek out" leaves zero room for cases where women seek injustice, nor the considerations of those who argue that those cases should be treated with the full force of the law, just as men who do commit sexual assault should face the full extent of their actions.

Your statement rounds up the percentage of cases where women's right to justice is trampled on to 100% and categorically ignores arguments that take into account injustice for men, like cases where statutory rape victims are forced to pay child support, without any leeway in the law.

I have no sympathy for Cosby, Gore, Bryant, Allen, or Polanski (although, considering what happened to his wife, I would think he deserves proper psychiatric care more than jail). That doesn't mean that there are others whose lives have not been ruined by false allegations, and making an example of the rich and powerful getting away with it doesn't mean everyone can.

And the reason that false rape accusation is not compared to false murder accusation is because there actually needs to be a death before anyone can be accused, whether correctly or incorrectly, of the crime.

As someone in an annoyingly male-dominated field, who was told, as the only male in 7-8 person research lab, to watch out for myself in my future workplaces, and to practically ensure witnesses to every single interaction I have with my female colleagues, this is actually a real concern. I actually have to consider that someone like Ellen Pao might decide to use me as a scapegoat in an attempt to get a settlement from a company, with or without any action on my part setting it off. And in Pao's case, considering her work environment, she probably has experienced sexism, at the very least, but it seems as if the case she chose to go after was one instigated simply by her husband's bad financial decisions.

I would be as helpless in such a case as I am now if my GF who lives across the country is assaulted by some entitled prick (and she has come frighteningly close). And, while every damn night that she goes out I have to wait for her text saying she's home before I can actually fall asleep (and I'm on the wrong end of a 3-hour time difference), I also do legitimately worry about the consequences of a potential bogus harassment/assault case against me.

I just don't like seeing blanket statements acting as if there is absolutely nothing for men to worry about from false accusations. I have gladly taken up duty pushing assholes away from female friends dancing on grimy dance floors, but these same friends have given me shit for not taking care of a girl who forced me to make out with her in my friends' kitchen while grabbing my ass, and then got drunk and started throwing up once I'd gotten the fuck away from her and the party. And I was expected to act normally towards her the many times I saw her with the same friend group.

I'm largely okay with that because I can handle their relatively lighthearted pokes on the topic, but making blanket statements with regards to cases of legal injustice against men is fucked up. It's no "more" or "less" fucked up than people who argue against justice for assault victims, but is still fucked up.

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