My partner might move to a different country and I am heartbroken

So yeah, if there is an option for them to be independent, I would welcome and suport it since they really deserve that and I think it would also help them grow.

Curious, what would your partner's plan be if they were single. Yes, it's not necessarily you'd want to think about, but you are still young, and lots of couples grow apart in their 20s....

They sometimes stay at our shared place by themselves for a day if I am working, which usually is not an issue, and we do split chores as much as possible, but I do the bulk of it. There are also only very few jobs they can do without significancty damaging their well-being right now (not long term - they are working on it with professionals), so earning money for themselves is very difficult, though they are always looking for opportunities.

Even if you're still very optimistic about living together, and not minding the fact that you'd carry more of the financial, emotional and physical can quickly become tiring. So you definitely need to make sure that you have professional support too.

/r/LongDistance Thread Parent