My rant about the whole MOA things around here...

My rant about the whole MOA things around here...(self) 0 Punkte eingereicht vor 13 Minuten von HempInvaderMinmatar Republic Disclaimer: I am not in MOA, I don't have feelings towards them at all, I am not involved in the Imperium, I'm just observing this as a 3rd party. I'm here just to point out some things that come to mind when talking about MOA: During my lifetime I've seen that when you get a reaction from someone it usually means that he is emotionally involved in your relationship. To me, the amount of shit that's been thrown at this alliance is staggering, I mean come on guys, what pisses you off about them so much...if they are completely shit why do you CARE SO MUCH? I think it's because they are a thorn in your back and would like it removed so you post all about it here instead of doing something about it, ie: shooting them. I'm going to ask you this, what's worse: Joining MOA or staying in the alliance that reads your mails and posts them on /r/eve after you've left? Joining a group of guys ready to stick it to the man vs staying with guys that talk behind your back? Honestly, fuck you, you bloody sycophant. What's wrong with like minded people joining together? Imperium does it, it gathered all the bloody carebears from eve plus the ones from 3rd party forums and has half of null in stagnation, at least MOA is going there to shoot things. You love to say that MOA flies only cruisers and bombers, but always forget the no. 1 rule of eve: don't fly shit you can't afford to lose. That's them, they as an alliance can't afford more, so what? At least they undock. Look at the imperium, up until 4 weeks ago they didn't even fight until they had a 5-1 ratio. tl;dr: I think MOA isn't completely shit considering the amount of rage/reactions they are generating here and if you think they're shit go kill them in space, not on reddit.

Just saving this for future generations

/r/Eve Thread